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Trucking Accidents


Get A Head Start On Your Truck Accident Investigation

Injuries occurring in truck accidents are often severe. Head injuries, spinal cord injuries, amputations, and fatal injuries are common outcomes for people in cars that collide with 18-wheelers (also called semis or big rigs). If you or someone close to you has suffered such injuries in a trucking accident, a prompt investigation is essential. The trucking company will likely have its defense attorneys at work right away. To even the playing field, you should have your own lawyer on aboard as soon as possible, too.
To work with a skilled trial attorney after a truck accident or any motor vehicle accident in Southeast Texas, turn to Ed The Law Bull. Initial consultations are free, and attorney Edward Okwueze will represent you on a contingency basis. This means you will not owe attorney fees until he recovers compensation for you.

What Causes Truck Accidents?

A detailed investigation into the truck accident in which you were injured may reveal one or more of the following likely causes:

● The trucker was fatigued and may have been keeping double log books in an effort to disguise the fact that they were driving too many hours without resting.● The tires, brakes, lights or trailer hitch on the truck were malfunctioning. A manufacturer, installer or inspector may have been to blame.● The truck driver did not complete the required safety inspection before taking the truck on the road.● The trucker or another motorist may have changed lanes illegally or may have been speeding at the time of the crash.● Road conditions may have been poor or signs may have been wrongly placed or hard to understand.
This list of possible causes of a truck accident is not exhaustive. The cause of the accident that injured you may be something different altogether. However, your attorney may seek to eliminate possibilities through a list such as this.
Ultimately, a detailed investigation should reveal what happened and who should compensate you for your injuries.

Don’t Hesitate To Contact Ed The Law Bull

Truck accident lawyer Edward Okwueze is ready to fight for your right to fair compensation. Call 713-231-0195 or send an email inquiry to schedule a consultation.
Read this article to understand what steps are taken under a complex truck accident.